Connecting Generations


Concept & Production — Film & Photography — TV, Cinema, Online, Social, Print


Launched successfully last December, NZZ's «Generationen-Abo» aims to encourage grandparents and parents to pass on a NZZ subscription to younger readers in their family.  This initiative is highlighted through an emotional-driven story we crafted and produced, made to touch and move NZZ’s longtime readers.


Inspired by genuine moments between grandparents and grandchildren, we see a young innovator, observed and supported by his grandmother through NZZ articles placed all around the house. This narrative captures the essence of communication without words, showcasing how knowledge sharing can bridge generations, even when living in different worlds. The spot and various cutdowns are visible across all channels, from social media, TV, and selected cinemas.


Agency & Production: Marty—Trezzini

Director, Concept & Edit: Yves Marty

Producer: Gianluca Trezzini

Concept: Francesca Kleinstück

DOP: Daryl Hefti

1. AC: Tim Rüegg

Gaffer: Raphael Toel

Gaffer: Aurelio Ghirardelli

Art Director: Alix Gerber

Production Design: Lara Roos

Assistant Production Design: Samuel Heuberger

Styling: Romina Häner

Best Boy: Emil Maeder

Best Boy: Florian Ribi

Hair & Makeup: Viviane Saner

Color Grading: Florian Staerk

Sound Design: Levi Giger